Vote For the Right Candidate!

TCC does not endorse any politician or any political parties. However, our lives are impacted by politics and whoever is elected to run the government. By then, we encourage everyone to exercise their rights and freedom to vote and elect the most suitable person to hold office. Your vote does matter.

Here are our some few tips for voters:

1. Pray to God for wisdom to select the right candidate.

2. Don’t let anyone influence your vote. It should be your choice not anyone else; not your friend, family, relatives or even by another official or candidate.

3. Remember, not all politicians are corrupt. However, there are some constituents, companies or other officials and parties that push good politicians to be corrupt. By then, choose the person who can not be corrupted.

4. Choose the candidate who have the passion to serve, not the one who makes politics as their career. It is obvious who runs for political career than for public service.

5. There is a difference between a candidate who paid or asked to be endorsed and those that are voluntarily endorsed by another official, groups, or celebrities. Be careful to candidates who pays groups, artists, celebrities or other parties to campaign for them. They pay them but will get these back when they are in office. They are obviously not for public service.

6. Lastly for Cordillerans, we must stop voting based on whether a candidate can give sobre, watwat, doggie, kalding, plato, banga, water pump, kape or anything else only during campaign. Vote for those who are consistently out to serve and give generosity.

Good luck and God bless!

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